De leituras tranquilas a exibições agitadas, 15 membros da Rhode Island College Dance Company habitam espaços elegantes na Biblioteca Pública de Providence.
From quiet reading to rambunctious display, 15 members of the Rhode Island College Dance Company inhabit elegant spaces in the Providence Public Library.
Direção e Montagem / Direction and Editing
Marta Renzi
Câmara / Camera
Jennifer Keller & Addie Birkes
Duração / Duration
Marta Renzi
Desde 2005, Marta Renzi realizou mais de 3 dúzias de curtas-metragens, tendo concluído a sua primeira longa-metragem, Her Magnum Opus, em 2017. Por duas vezes, nos anos 80, Renzi foi incumbida de realizar videodanças de meia hora que foram transmitidas pela PBS. Durante a pandemia, estreou o seu sexto filme de dança, encomendado para uma companhia de dança universitária. Marta recebeu sete NEA Choreographic Fellowships e um New York Dance & Performance Award (um “Bessie”), bem como financiamento da Metropolitan Life, da Jerome Foundation e da Trust for Mutual Understanding. Premiada pelo Dancing in the Streets como “exploradora destemida” em 1995, o seu Project Co. aproveitou todas as oportunidades para atuar gratuitamente ao ar livre, incluindo aparições anuais em locais como o Lincoln Center Out of Doors e o SummerStage no Central Park. Renzi foi coreógrafa residente duas vezes no The Yard e no Jacob’s Pillow, onde ajudou a inaugurar o programa Inside/Out.
Since 2005, Marta Renzi has directed over 3 dozen short films, completing her debut feature film, Her Magnum Opus, in 2017. Twice in the 80’s Renzi was commissioned to direct half-hour video dances which were broadcast on PBS. During the pandemic she premiered her 6th commissioned dance film for a university dance company. Marta has received seven NEA Choreographic Fellowships, and a New York Dance & Performance Award (a “Bessie”), as well as funding from Metropolitan Life, the Jerome Foundation and the Trust for Mutual Understanding. Awarded by Dancing in the Streets as a “fearless explorer” in 1995, her Project Co. took every opportunity to perform outdoors for free including yearly appearances at venues like Lincoln Center Out of Doors and SummerStage in Central Park. Renzi was a resident choreographer twice at The Yard, and at Jacob’s Pillow, where she helped inaugurate its Inside/Out program.