Vivo numa zona lamacenta. Querem prender-me as mãos e os pés, mas eu continuo a uivar para o céu. Tentam arrastar-me para o abismo. Eu agarro a luz do sol nas fendas e rezo na luz ténue. Queimo toda a minha infantilidade e teimosia com persistência. A área lamacenta cresce lentamente em razão e clareza. Depois de experimentar o renascimento, consigo acalmar-me e relaxar.
I live in a muddy area. You want to trap my hands and feet, but I still howl up to the sky. You try to drag me into the abyss. I grab the sunlight in the cracks and pray in the faint light. I burn all my childishness and stubbornness with persistence. The muddy area slowly grows into reason and clarity. After experiencing rebirth, I can calm down and relax.
Direção e Coreografia / Direction and Choreography
QI Pingping
Duração / Duration
QI Pingping
QI Pingping, bailarino, coreógrafo e realizador, dançou em várias companhia como o Shanghai Slipper Project Modern Dance Troupe ou o Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe Xie Xin Dance Theater, participou em vários projetos – Shanghai International Dance Center International Exchange, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Modern Dance Week. Realizou e/ou dançou em “Listening” em 2021, “Female” em 2022, “Reshaping”ou “Wu Yu” PDE Modern Dance Solo Gold Award.
QI Pingping, dancer, choreographer and director, has danced in various companies such as the Shanghai Slipper Project Modern Dance Troupe or the Shanghai Song and Dance Troupe Xie Xin Dance Theater, and has taken part in various projects – Shanghai International Dance Centre International Exchange, Guangdong Hong Kong Macao Modern Dance Week. He performed and/or danced in ‘Listening’ in 2021, ‘Female’ in 2022, ‘Reshaping’ or ‘Wu Yu’, PDE Modern Dance Solo Gold Award.